[SOLVED] configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH install oci8

Few days ago I got little bit problem for installing oci8 in Centos 7 with PHP 5.6, it’s error said:
checking for cc... no
checking for gcc... no
configure: error: in `/var/tmp/pear-build-root9arfuf/oci8-2.0.12':
configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
See `config.log' for more details

I have posted some solutions before in this blog, maybe you should read here for complete installation tutorial oci8 in linux Centos with PHP 5.4 – 5.6, but why now I post another one in different thread, because I need my reader more easily to read and understand. Continue reading

[TESTED] Extend and mount new disk (/dev/sdb/) into your folder in dev/sda – Centos 7

My server has a partition and the disk size just 38GB, whereas I need about 20GB more for save my new files. With this condition I think have just two options between extend the partition before or add new disk and mount it into a folder within my partition before. Then I discuss with my friend which way is the best and the faster, finally I choose the second option which is add new disk (new partition, basically it will named as /dev/sdb/, /dev/sdc/, etc) and mount it into my specific folder, let say I will mount it into /opt/lampp/htdocs/aset.

So, how to extend new disk and mount it into our custom folder? here are the steps. This solution was tested successfully in my server Linux Centos 7.

# Check your which one is your new disk
# you can check that with this
sudo parted -l | grep Error

# or this one
# just make sure the free size still 100%

# in my case I got /dev/sdb/
# so I started with this
pvcreate /dev/sdb

vgcreate diskaset /dev/sdb



# Chek these line!
# Alloc PE / Size       12799 / <50.00 GiB
# Free  PE / Size       0 / 0
# 12799 refers to Free PE or Alloc PE
lvcreate -l 12799 lv_diskaset diskaset

# Format the disk into XFS
# for "/disk/diskaset/" name it as you wish
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/diskaset/
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/diskaset/lv_diskaset

# Create folder for mount the disk
mkdir /opt/lampp/htdocs/aset/

# Mounting
mount /dev/diskaset/lv_diskaset /opt/lampp/htdocs/aset/

# Edit the "/etc/fstab" file for autostart when server startup
# Save
nano /etc/fstab/

# Add this line in the bottom
/dev/diskaset/lv_diskaset /opt/lampp/htdocs/aset        xfs     defaults        0 0

# Reboot your server

Finish, hope my solution above will help you sometime to extend and mount new disk into your custom folder for expanding storage in Linux Centos 7.

[SOLVED] Failed to load “libpepflashplayer.so” Ubuntu 17

Flash player in my Mozilla Firefox show error message failed to load libpepflashplayer.so, in Ubuntu 17. I tried to install flash player from Software Center but failed. So I tried install from apt-get Ubuntu in terminal with this script :

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

After installation process finished, I try to open a website which has a flash player content, and it said error message above. Finally, I fixed this problem with this way (download from Adobe Website) :

  1. Go to https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/
  2. Set the Step 1 and Step 2 with your operating system, mine like this
  3. Download the PPAPI .tar.gz
  4. When download finished, extract it. You will see a file named libpepflashplayer.so, copy it into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
  5. Restart your Mozilla Firefox and reload the website. DONE.

Hope this will help you out guys 🙂

Contoh Program Untuk Menambah / Mengurangi Space Partisi Swap Disk Linux Menggunakan Python

🙂 pagi semua… bertemu lagi dengan saya,
Pagi ini saya ingin share contoh program buatanku, yang merupakan jawaban dari soal yang saya dapat dari Praktikum Sistem Operasi. Yaitu membuat program yang bisa menambah atau mengurangi space partisi swap di Linux (saya memakai Ubuntu 10.04). Program ini menggunaka bahasa pemrograman Python.

Berikut adalah list codenya :

$i = 1;
print "Partisi Manager Sederhana\n";
print "= = = = = = = = = = = = =\n";
print "1). Tambahkan size partisi swap\n";
print "2). Bersihkan swap tambahan\n";
print "3). Cek size swap\n";
print "4). Keluar\n";
print "Masukkan pilihan menu 1..4 : ";
$pilihan = <STDIN>;
print "Berapa Mb yang ingin Anda tambahkan ? ";
$tambahan = <STDIN>;
system("dd if=/dev/zero of=tambahan.swap bs=1M count=$tambahan");
system("mkswap tambahan.swap");
system("swapon tambahan.swap");
print "Proses penambahan selesai\n";
system("dd if=/dev/zero of=tambahan.swap bs=1M count=0");
system("swapoff tambahan.swap");
system("rm tambahan.swap");
print "Pembersihan selesai\n";
system("free -m");
print "\n";

Sekian,,, tanpa penjelasan :mrgreen: semoga bermanfaat. Untuk mendapatkan penjelasan lengkap mengenai Python, bisa searching di gugel aja deh ya? 😀

Memperbaiki Grub Error “grub_rescue” Dengan Window 7 Installer


Selamat pagi :), pada thread kali ini aku akan share tentang masalah yang sering dialami oleh teman – teman yang mulai menggunakan Dual Boot atau semacamnya. Jadi cara yang aku share kali ini bisa dipakai untuk memperbaiki “grub_rescue” / Grub Error atau juga bisa dipakai untuk menghapus MBR OS lainnya yang terpasang menjadi 1, atau biasa disebut dengan Dual Boot / Dual OS. Cara yang aku tunjukkan ini menggunakan installer bawaan dari Windows 7.

  1. Booting melalui Windows 7 Installer
  2. Setelah itu ikuti saja perintah awalnya (Umumnya pemiliha Bahasa)
  3. Pada tampilan untuk disuruh Install Windows / Repair, pilihlah Repair
  4. Setelah itu masuk pilihan Command Prompt
  5. Pada tampilan Command Prompt, ketikkan kode – kode berikut :
    bootrec.exe /fixmbr
    bootrec.exe /fixboot
    bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd
  6. Setelah semua kode tersebut diinputkan, tutup jendela Command Prompt
  7. Pilih menu Startup Repair
  8. Setelah itu muncul tampilan baru, dan tunggu hingga proses selesai, jika sudah maka akan ada tampilan yang menunjukka distu ada salah satu menu semacam link yang bertuliskan “Advanced …. bla – bla”
    Pilih menu tersebut
  9. Kemudian pilih kembali Startup Repair, tunggu hingga selesai lagi, kemudian klik Finish
  10. Lakukan Restart. Selesai
Oke, cukup sekian … semoga bisa bermanfaat kedepannya, Amin 🙂