Install openvpn on MacOS Mojave from Terminal

To install openvpn in your MacOS Mojave or other version from Terminal, you can use brew, follow these steps:

brew install openvpn

After you success install it, add it’s path to your environment to make your work easier. You can export it directly to your $PATH environment variable, edit your .bash_profile file or insert into /etc/paths file, etc.

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[SOLVED] configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH install oci8

Few days ago I got little bit problem for installing oci8 in Centos 7 with PHP 5.6, it’s error said:
checking for cc... no
checking for gcc... no
configure: error: in `/var/tmp/pear-build-root9arfuf/oci8-2.0.12':
configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH
See `config.log' for more details

I have posted some solutions before in this blog, maybe you should read here for complete installation tutorial oci8 in linux Centos with PHP 5.4 – 5.6, but why now I post another one in different thread, because I need my reader more easily to read and understand. Continue reading

[TESTED] Extend and mount new disk (/dev/sdb/) into your folder in dev/sda – Centos 7

My server has a partition and the disk size just 38GB, whereas I need about 20GB more for save my new files. With this condition I think have just two options between extend the partition before or add new disk and mount it into a folder within my partition before. Then I discuss with my friend which way is the best and the faster, finally I choose the second option which is add new disk (new partition, basically it will named as /dev/sdb/, /dev/sdc/, etc) and mount it into my specific folder, let say I will mount it into /opt/lampp/htdocs/aset.

So, how to extend new disk and mount it into our custom folder? here are the steps. This solution was tested successfully in my server Linux Centos 7.

# Check your which one is your new disk
# you can check that with this
sudo parted -l | grep Error

# or this one
# just make sure the free size still 100%

# in my case I got /dev/sdb/
# so I started with this
pvcreate /dev/sdb

vgcreate diskaset /dev/sdb



# Chek these line!
# Alloc PE / Size       12799 / <50.00 GiB
# Free  PE / Size       0 / 0
# 12799 refers to Free PE or Alloc PE
lvcreate -l 12799 lv_diskaset diskaset

# Format the disk into XFS
# for "/disk/diskaset/" name it as you wish
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/diskaset/
sudo mkfs.xfs /dev/diskaset/lv_diskaset

# Create folder for mount the disk
mkdir /opt/lampp/htdocs/aset/

# Mounting
mount /dev/diskaset/lv_diskaset /opt/lampp/htdocs/aset/

# Edit the "/etc/fstab" file for autostart when server startup
# Save
nano /etc/fstab/

# Add this line in the bottom
/dev/diskaset/lv_diskaset /opt/lampp/htdocs/aset        xfs     defaults        0 0

# Reboot your server

Finish, hope my solution above will help you sometime to extend and mount new disk into your custom folder for expanding storage in Linux Centos 7.

[SOLVED] Failed to load “” Ubuntu 17

Flash player in my Mozilla Firefox show error message failed to load, in Ubuntu 17. I tried to install flash player from Software Center but failed. So I tried install from apt-get Ubuntu in terminal with this script :

sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

After installation process finished, I try to open a website which has a flash player content, and it said error message above. Finally, I fixed this problem with this way (download from Adobe Website) :

  1. Go to
  2. Set the Step 1 and Step 2 with your operating system, mine like this
  3. Download the PPAPI .tar.gz
  4. When download finished, extract it. You will see a file named, copy it into /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
  5. Restart your Mozilla Firefox and reload the website. DONE.

Hope this will help you out guys 🙂

[SOLVED] Problem : Could not connect to server: connection timed out (0x0000274c/10060)

I have a problem when I tried to remote PostgreSQL Server (in Linux Centos) from my PgAdmin Client (in Windows), there’s an error message displayed on screen said “could not connect to server: connection timed out (0x0000274c/10060) is the server running on host and accepting tcp/ip connections on port 5432?”

I checked my firewall status with :
systemctl status firewalld

Condition : Not Normal

It said that my firewall status was Active: failed. From here I’m sure there’s problem with my firewall process, because if the firewall stopped successfully, the status will be inactive like this image below :

Condition : Normal


After tried many solution, I ended-up with this one :
systemctl unmask firewalld

Next step after run unmask syntax, I tried to restart my firewall and it runs flawlessly :). Hope this thread help you guys.

Atasi Masalah Loading Lama Kirim Email Menggunakan SENDMAIL

Kirim Email PHP

Tempo hari saya ada tugas untuk setting mail service di satu server milik teman, kebetulan dia pakai OS Ubuntu yang belum bisa digunakan untuk mengirim email dari servernya.

Dia sudah membuat sebuah aplikasi berbasis PHP untuk mengirim email broadcast ke seluruh pelanggan di aplikasinya, namun masih gagal. Setelah saya bantu cek ternyata memang service untuk mail di Ubuntu miliknya belum pernah diinstall & konfigurasi.

Kemudian saya coba install modul sendmail terlebih dahulu di Server Ubuntu miliknya melalui terminal / command line menggunakan perintah ini : Continue reading

Cara Install & Setting PHP + Webserver Apache + MySQL + phpMyAdmin Di Ubuntu 10.04

Yap, thread kali ini adalah dokumentasi dari Praktikum Jaringan Komunikasi saya sebenernya, :mrgreen:
Jadi ini membahas mengenai bagaimana caranya menginstall dan mengkonfigurasi Apache Webserver, MySQL sebagai databasenya dan phpMyAdmin sebagai interface untuk mengelola databasenya.
Ubuntu yang saya pakai adalah Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid).
Oke, coba ikuti langkah-langkah berikut, tapi sebelumnya pastikan PC/Notebook kalian bisa terkoneksi ke Internet 🙂

  1. Buka terminal, kemudian login sebagai superuser (root)
  2. Ketikkan apt-get install apache2[Enter], kemudian tunggu hingga proses download dan install selesai.
  3. Ketikkan apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5[Enter], tunggu hingga proses download dan install selesai.
  4. Ketikkan apt-get install mysql-server libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql[Enter]. Nah pada langkah yang ini ada hal yang perlu diperhatikan, ditengah-tengah instalasi kalian akan ditanyakan untuk memasukkan Password MySQLnya. Silahkan masukkan passwordnya terserah kalian, yang penting gampang diingat 🙂
  5. Setelah selesai install MySQL, sekarang install interface phpMyAdmin nya. Ketikkan apt-get install phpmyadmin[Enter]. Tunggu hingga proses selesai.
  6. Setelah 4 langkah instalasi diatas selesai dengan baik, sekarang tinggal mengarahkan phpmyadmin ke dalam folder webserver kita. Karena default path instalasi phpmyadmin tidak dalam satu folder dengan dimana webserver diinstall. Tenang, kalian tinggal ketikkan ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/phpmyadmin[Enter]
  7. Nah, ini langkah terakhir… kita tinggal restart service apache2 karena tadi kita sempat merubah konfigurasi defaultnya. Caranya dengan ketikkan /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
  8. Sekarang tinggal dicoba melalui browser, coba akses halaman http://localhost/. Jika berhasil akan tampil “It Works!“, kurang lebih seperti itulah :D.

Oke sekian semoga ini bisa bermanfaat kelak 🙂
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